Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Not too much to report this morning. Words can't express how glad I am to see that it's going to get up to 65 here today. I've been walking home from work every day because it's sunny and beautiful and WARM. I'm not sure when I appreciated 65 degrees more: now or after a long hot Florida summer. The only thing that could make life better is one of these living in my back yard.

I'm going to spinning this morning, then work, then piano lesson, then meeting D on campus for dinner before his midterm this evening.

We had a nice dinner last night- barbecue chicken on the Foreman grill with roasted sweet potatoes and salad. Lots of barbecue sauce and catsup were added to my plate after this picture was taken. (Mmmmm, catsup).

On that note, it's time for me to get ready to go. Happy Wednesday, all.