Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Unscheduled rest day

Ah the URD. No one likes them... I haven't taken one in ages... but today it's time to turn in my "get out of running free" card. I don't feel horrible. I'm still going to work. But I don't feel very good either. I have that joint ache, headache, stomach-ickiness thing if that's what's going around. Obviously I feel good enough to get up to use the computer, but I felt bad enough to stay home from our small group meeting, which is something I really enjoy. Plus my run yesterday was not very good. I know trying to get back on the treadmill- especially to do my long run- would be counterproductive. We'll see how I feel this afternoon/tomorrow.

Today we're having a Mardi Gras potluck at work, which I'm using as an excuse to offload the ice cream tub worth of veggie chili I have leftover from the Super Bowl party. Otherwise not much else is going on. We have the church "family meeting" tonight, which is supposed to be a review of the last 10 years and layout the vision for the future. We've only been there for a year, and there were some major changes that happened in the years right before we came, so it should be interesting.

Hope you all have a good Tuesday.