Friday, January 15, 2010

We're going outside!

Yep. I'm running outside in Madison for the first time in... I'm not sure how long. I think it was before we left for Christmas vacation. We've warmed up to a balmy 27 degrees, and- at least from looking out the window- it doesn't look like the road and sidewalk are iced over too bad. This is the part of winter I really dislike because it warms up enough for some snow to melt, which gets the sidewalks wet, and then it freezes in a sheet overnight. I remember last year I was constantly afraid of falling (and did slip a few times). Anyway, it doesn't seem like that's the case today. Plus I'm doing an easy run so if I have to stop and walk to navigate some kind of iceberg that could sink the Titanic it's fine by me.

Let's see... more regular life. My interval workout yesterday was rockin. I picked a speed for my 1/2 mile repeats that was hard but I felt great about sticking it out. I did 30 minutes of yoga and (gasp) walked home from work yesterday. Told you it was warm out. I bet it was at least 30, haha.

Last night's dinner was another winner from Real Simple: Mediterranean beef pitas.

Again, my food photography is not so awesome, but these were so simple and turned out so good. I'm on a tear here ;). Ah well, the good cooking streak will be broken by Friday night dinner out... not sure where yet. TGIF!