Thursday, September 24, 2009

Take it and Run Thursday

I have been meaning to start doing these TIART posts for a long time (especially because I'm sponsoring one in November). It's a nice way to break up the monotony of "I ate this, I ran this, Work is busy..." that we all seem to slide into as we try to post everyday. It's also a good way to find new blogs and get your own blog a little publicity.

This week's question (if you didn't follow the link) is about yoga and running.

I have actually started doing a little yoga sequence after my runs as featured in the latest issue of Runner's World. I was going to try to link to it, but it takes you to a video page, and it's kind of confusing to find the right thing. Oh well. Basically it's a triangle, pyramid (?), pigeon on each side and then happy baby and seated forward bend. It's quick and hits all the major spots.

I'd like to do yoga more regularly, and I'm hoping to add more in as the weather gets worse and my cabin fever starts to kick in.

I have a couple yoga DVDs: Rodney Yee's Power Yoga Flexibility and Shiva Rae's Yoga Shakti. Yoga Shakti is a great DVD, but it's kind of advanced for me.

As far as classes go, we had a couple great instructors at UF when I was there, but I haven't found anyone at the UW gym that I'm super crazy about. Plus the class times aren't that convenient. I've also done a couple classes at a local hot yoga place called Inner Fire Yoga. The power/Bikram classes are tough, but I love love loved the yin class I did once. Too bad it's so expensive. And honestly I don't have time for it.

Leaving yoga and moving on to running, I got in 5 mi this morning with 5x3min hard. That's a tough workout. The first two feel like nothing but by number 4 you're reeeeeaaaaallly happy to get through that last 30 sec.