Sunday, August 23, 2009

It are my birthday!


Happy Birthday to me!!! As of 5:45am Eastern time I am 27 years old. Thank you to all the people who remembered me and will remember me today (it's only 7am after all).

I'm excited because I'm going to Chicago today with D and staying until Wednesday morning. He's working at and attending a conference, and I'm going to do some sightseeing, and we'll meet at the end of the day for dinner. I have a co-worker who used to live in Chicago, and she's had some great recommendations for places to see and go to eat. I'm planning to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and take a skyline boat cruise on Lake Michigan, plus do some serious window shopping because our hotel is right on Michigan Ave.

But the most important thing is that this afternoon we have a date with the Ghiradelli Chocolate Shop for sundaes. Oh dear... it's right by our hotel... I'm glad I don't have an insulin resistance test scheduled for right after this trip.

I bid you adieu for a few days. If you really don't care about my birthday, but you love tomatoes and food prep, check out the previous post- I added some pics of our newest harvest.