Friday, May 7, 2010


Yay!  Friday!  Workdays until vacation: 6.

Not much exciting going on around here.  My tempo run was pretty good yesterday except that I got a horrible side stitch about half way through.  I was able to tough it out and finish, but my pace was a little slower than I would have liked: average 8:22 min/mile during the 40 minute tempo part.  This morning I'm headed over to the gym for some strength training.  It's supposed to rain, and I'm always happier to spend a nasty day in the dungeon gym than a pretty one.

Last night I went to TJ's for groceries for the next week.  It's always hard to figure out the right amount to buy the week before vacation.  I don't want to get so much that stuff spoils while we are gone, but I don't want us to get scurvy for lack of fresh produce.  I also stopped by the library to pick up a few things:

Not sure how I feel about Jared Leto about Steve Prefontaine (My So Called Life, anyone?), but that's the good thing about the library- no monetary investment required.

Dinner was another Cooking Light pasta dish (see sidebar for recipe).  We've gotten a lot of mileage out of the May issue of CL, and there will be more to come next week.

Tonight we're having dinner at a friend's house, and tomorrow I'm gearing up for another long run.

Madisonians, help me out: I'm trying to find a packed dirt trail to do my long runs on.  I know there's the Military Ridge trail, but it's kind of far from me.  Is there anything closer?  Is it worth it to drive all the way out there?

Well, gotta get it together and start another day.  TGIF!