Saturday, March 7, 2009

This counts for Friday!

So challenge day 1 didn't go quite as planned.... at least the posting part. This post doesn't really count for Friday, but it's going to be my Friday update, and I'll give a Saturday update later.

Here's the Friday summary:

Workout: None
Challenge: Failed

I felt pretty nasty yesterday so I didn't run.

Actually, I think making Friday my day off is the right way to go. Even though there are some convenient things about resting on Sunday, my body has been telling me week after week that it needs to rest on Friday. So that's going to be the plan going forward.

As for the challenge, I didn't have any sweets (unless you count the Clif bar, but I'm not, even though they are pretty sweet). I did not partake in the soft serve ice cream at the cafeteria, so we'll count that as a success.

I got in 2 servings of vegetables yesterday: the toppings of my sandwich and the innards of my sushi. Yes, lame, but they count. I wasn't super hungry yesterday.

And I didn't post. I spend most of my day at work fighting with SAS/GRAPH, and I went to bed at 7pm due to general fatigue. I couldn't even be bothered to go out and watch the new episode of What Not to Wear, so you know it was serious.

Not wanting to be a total Debbie Downer, I will share two highlights from yesterday: The temperature was in the 50s yesterday afternoon so I walked home from work to enjoy the sunshine, and D and I went out for Sushi, which is always a treat.

Okay... I'm digested. It's time to spend some quality time with the beast in the living room.