Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am le tired

Tuesday's Workout: 60min of spinning and leg strength training
Wednesday's Workout: 6mi run with 5x3min fast, 1/2 hour swimming
Today's Workout: 45min spinning and upper body/ core strength training.

I always kind of hit the wall on Thursdays. It's just my tired day. After three hard days working out, I'm ready to crash. It's a good thing that Thursday is my TV night. My Name is Earl, Kath and Kim, and The Office are perfect combination of stupid and funny for a relaxing evening. I know you're supposed to "Turn off the TV and live every day to the fullest," but honestly, that sounds exhausting. Being a total couch potato for an hour and a half every Thursday is much more my speed.

A few other things in brief:

1. We made the sweet and sour crockpot chicken (moderate success- chicken was very soft and tasty, but the sauce didn't work so well- I think we let it cook too long) and the smoky refried bean soup turned out really well (I put in twice as much seasoning as called for in the recipe). Yay for easy, tasty meals.

2. Someone took my towel at the pool on Monday! What did I do? I took someone else's towel, but I told the towel room guy what happened in case someone came back complaining about having their town stolen. And today I brought my own emergency back up towel in case it happens again.

3. I'm ready for winter to be over. Enough said.