- I've attended a 3-way birthday party,
- Gone to my first Mallard's game
- Learned there's a reason I've never eaten a mulberry before (Holy stems, Batman. My hands are still a little purple)
and that I enjoy my healthy CSA veggies best in gooey pasta form
- Watched the sun set from Observatory Hill
and the Rhythm and Booms fireworks from across the lake
- And traveled to Dubuque where I won my weight in catfish at the slot machines.
Thankfully not true on that last one. We visited crazy 300lb dino-catfish at the Aquarium of the Mississippi.
As a side note, I hadn't gone to see the fireworks in a couple years, and I'm glad that they are still making advances in fancy explosion science and technology. My favorite was the smileys.
The one thing I haven't managed to do yet is get re-conditioned to running in warm weather. I ran on Saturday morning when it 77, and I was sure it had to be 107. After a water stop and a walk for a minute in the shade break (yes, I'm not too proud to admit it) I was happy I wasn't trying to crank out a 20-miler like I would have been last summer. Yesterday wasn't soooo bad, but man, SWEAT. Hopefully I'll get a little better conditioned so I don't die when I try to run when I'm back in Florida in another month.
Hope you are having a fun summer so far and had a relaxing 3-day weekend.