and we finished the main part of the clean up job today.
We're a little behind the rest of the country in the growing season, so we are just beginning to see the first of our summer crop.
Leeetle teeny baby bell pepper:
Sweet pepper:
Hot pepper:
Otherwise, the pumpkin is the clear winner, having taken over it's row and most of another. I'm excited to see what we get in the end.
So on to the main event- the week in review. I decided to switch from doing this on Sunday to on Monday because my workout log runs M-S so it makes tabulations just a little easier.
M- 16 miles in ??? My GPS died. Thank goodness for MapMyRun.
T- Strength and yoga
W- 7.5 mi with 2x15 min at marathon tempo. Hit both at 8:46 +/- 15 sec.
R- 7.5 mi with 2x(800,600,400,200m) at 5-10k pace. Hit all these except the first in the 7:20-7:40 range. Yoga
F- Strength
S- 17 mi in 2:42 (9:29 min/mile pace). I felt strong the whole way. I think I'm actually starting to like long runs.
U- 5 mi easy. Yoga.
Bringing the grand totals to:
53 miles run (artificially inflated because of the 2 long runs that happened to fall in the same week)
2 x strength training
2 x yoga
Good stuff. No comments. No complaints.