Week in Review
Su - 5mi easy
M - Strength training and yoga
T - 7mi with 2x(3x800) at 10k pace
W - 8.2mi
R - Strength training
F - 6mi easy
S - 14mi long
Overall mileage: 40.2
2x strength training
1x yoga
I know some of you think that life begins at 100mpw ;), but 40 has always been the marker of real training for me. Otherwise, I don't have too much to comment on from the past week. I'm trying to get used to the idea that it's really not bad to go fairly slow on my easy days because it means I'll be recovered so I can go hard on the hard days. I'm also a little concerned about my long run pace being too slow (about 9:40 min/mile) but it's right in the middle of the long run pace interval on the McMillan Pace Calculator for a 3:50 marathon, so I'm trying to roll with it.
On that note, it's off to do a very slow, very easy 5mi. Have a great Sunday, all.