Saturday, March 20, 2010

Where'd my spring go???

Last night we had some "snain" and this morning I woke up to this

It's actually not even cold out. I could hear the drip, drip, drip off all that stuff melting, and it's just 7am. Still, I want my 65 degrees back!

I'm headed out for 10 miles in a few minutes here. This will be my first outside long run of 2010. I did some 10 milers on the treadmill earlier, but this is my first official 1/2 marathon training run. Exciting.

Last night's dinner out at Oysy was... meh. They had a great selection of food, but if I wanted sushi, I would definitely go to Sushi Muramoto, which is one of our favorite "special occasion" restaurants. And if I wanted seafood (other than fried fish... mmmmm), I'd go back to FL.

Tonight we are having friends over for dinner. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but our dining space is somewhat limited. Right now we use our dining room table as a desk (man, I need to clean...)

and this counter thing as our dining room table.

So sadly, I'll probably never have any 12 person dinner parties ala Ina Garten, but we can fit 4 just fine. I'm planning to make Cajun Red Beans and Rice with some sausage I bought from the meat store a few weeks ago.

Last but not least, I am happy not to be at work today. I was in dire need of a break from the computer. On the upside, I got to learn about transitional modeling, which is the "new thing" our group is going to start doing for analyses. I didn't actually get my model to run (and when they run they take like 1/2 a day!), but I was getting a handle on why it wasn't running. So as much as I complain about some things about work, I do love the fact that I always have the opportunity to learn something new.

And on that note, it's off into the winter wonderland, although it's probably more like the spring slushland by now.